Who doesn’t love to be part of something new? Join us for the very first meeting of the PDX-UX user group! This month, we’ll have three to four demos from local companies showcasing the latest techniques in UX and UI development and design. We will provide free food, drinks, networking and discussions.
Who: Anyone interested in discussing or showcasing cutting-edge user interface and user experience development and design. We’d also love to meet some exciting and motivated potential employees, so feel free to invite your talented designer and developer friends!
When: Thursday, September 29th
Food and networking at 5:30
Demos start at 6:00 and will wrap up before 7:00
Where: Thetus Corporation
34 NW 1st Avenue (corner of 1st and Couch)
3rd floor
Portland, OR 97209
---Google Group---
We’ll be meeting the 3rd Thursday of every month in the same location--if you’d like to join and/or you're interested in getting updates for future meetings, join our PDX-UX Google Group!
Added by PDX-UX on September 13, 2011