322 NW 6th Avenue Suite 200
Portland, Oregon 97209

Jelly is an every-so-often casual coworking session. Anyone is welcome to come, bring your laptop, art supplies, or whatever, and work alongside other creative, fun people. Hope to see you there!
We'll each work on our own thing in the same space. Meet new friends, share common interests, trade ideas, brainstorm, get some work done, and maybe even get some business referrals.
Watch videos to see what Jelly is: http://WorkAtJelly.com and RSVP (and see who's come to previous events) at http://wiki.workatjelly.com/JellyInPortland or email Alex@ProductPerks.com

Write your name, when you'll be coming, and what you'll be working on:

- Alex Linsker, 6pm, working on coding Product Perks permalinks and holding page layouts

Official Website: http://wiki.workatjelly.com/JellyInPortland

Added by AlexLinsker on June 22, 2010

Interested 1