112 College Street
San Antonio, Texas 78205

The PCI Joint Marketing and Underwriting Seminar is
the premier annual forum on new and emerging
issues affecting marketers and underwriters in the
property and casualty insurance industry. Topics are
timely and relevant. Presentations are stimulating.
Discussions are spirited. The take-home value is
exceptional. Moreover, there’s probably no better
place to network with your industry peers.
This year’s topics run the gamut – from managing “up”
to managing inside and outside the organization.
Come join your colleagues to explore issues in a
relaxed atmosphere that encourages an open
exchange of ideas and fosters camaraderie. Your presence
at this three-day event is a worthy investment of
your time that delivers tangible, take-home benefits.

Official Website: http://www.pciaa.net/sitehome.nsf/main

Added by farside_jdd on March 18, 2007

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