HM157 in Lincoln Heights continues its Permaculture Skillbuilder Series with "PC Veggie Gardening" this weekend ... Sat. 4/16 - THE PC VEGGIE GARDEN/HANDS-ON/PLANTING/SEED STARTING With JOAN STEVENS Noon to 4:00pm An important aspect of perennial polyculture (aka permaculture gardening) beyond the tree scape is the understory. This is where all your familiar vegetables and many fruits come from. Well investigate how to satisfy our palates while decreasing our efforts by planting perennials as well as our familiar annual favorites. Learn the techniques of starting plants from seed, planting seedlings, and rooting cuttings. $25 per class. Spots available for work trade and scholarships. For more information please contact: CHARON NOGUES @ .
Official Website:
Added by Charlene Boehne on April 14, 2011