A walking tour (with some subway riding thrown in for good measure) of some of the lettering riches to be found in Manhattan. This three-hour tour will look at inscriptions on churches, office buildings, schools, libraries and monuments as well as at commercial signage, alphabet-inspired artwork, mosaic lettering, faded advertisements, graffiti and whatever else comes our way. Styles of lettering will include Art Deco, neo-classical, neo-Gothic, Modernist, and 19th century commercial. The exact itinerary is not yet determined, but it will include two to three different Manhattan neighborhoods.
Registration is required. Space is limited.
* $30 TDC members :: $40 non-members
* Advance payment by check or credit card
* Register online with secure credit card
Official Website: http://www.tdc.org/events/education/2007classes/2007ftdcedushawwalk.html
Added by kathrynyu on September 10, 2007