319 Wapping St
Frankfort, Kentucky 40601

Giant Winter Book Sale

The Friends of the Paul Sawyier Public Library book sale
will run in the Library Community Room.

No book will be priced over $1!
(no book lover can resist such a bargain!!!)
The first day of the sale is limited to Friends members,
including new friends who buy a membership at the door!
The "Friends only" night is a very popular event!
If you have never attended,
plan on stopping by to see what all the excitement is about!

The sale will be open to the general public all day on Friday!

Saturday is bag/box day: everything you can fit in a bag is $2,
and everything you can fit in a box is $5!
There is no limit on the number of bags and boxes!!!
It doesn’t get any better than that,
unless, of course, the book you wanted was sold before Saturday!

Sale days and hours:

Thursday, February 10 . . . . 4pm - 7pm . . . . Friends only
Friday, February 15 . . . . . . 10am - 5pm . . . General public
Saturday, February 16 . . . . 10am - 2pm . . . General public; Bag / Box day

So, mark your calendar!!!
We’re looking forward to seeing you at the sale!

(please do not contact the library about this event!)

Official Website: http://PSPLFriends.org/Booksale.htm

Added by nafis121 on May 28, 2010

Interested 1