Best know for his role as Spence Olchin on nine seasons of 'The King of Queens,' Patton Oswalt's style of stand-up comedy is often described as acerbic and sarcastic, and it covers topics ranging from pop culture frivolity such as comic book supervillains and 1980s hair metal to deeper societal issues like American excess, rampant materialism, foreign policy, and religion (Oswalt is an avowed atheist himself). Quite a few of his routines are about vice, especially pornography and alcohol. A famous line: "Do you think you have a problem when you refer to all alcohol as 'pain-go-bye-bye-juice'?" Oswalt has described himself as a "man without a country" in that he hates both George W. Bush and hippies. In February 2004, some jokes critical of hippies got him booed off the stage in San Francisco, while a diatribe against president George W. Bush got him booed off in Pittsburgh. In a subsequent tour with 'The Comedians of Comedy' he returned to Pittsburgh and was well received. Recent projects include the Pixar animated comedy 'Ratatouille,' plus the films 'Balls of Fury' and 'All Roads Lead Home.' Comic assassin Jasper Redd is one of the funniest people in all of San Francisco. Eugene Mirman is a New York City based comedian. Brian's career exploded back when he appeared on MTV's '1/2 Hour Comedy Hour.' Since then he's appeared on such sitcoms as 'Just Shoot Me,' 'Seinfeld,' 'Everybody Loves Raymond' and 'Friends' plus appearing on VH1's 'I Love the 80s' and Comedy Central's 'The Showbiz Show With David Spade.'
Circle Takes the Square is an experimental hardcore band from Savannah, Georgia, USA.
Added by Upcoming Robot on October 2, 2007