11 S. 15th St.
Richmond, Virginia 23219

Opening Reception for "Pattern Recognition" - an exhibit of abstract drawings and paintings, including new work, by Richmond, VA artist Dana Frostick. (www.danafrostick.com) The drawings and paintings presented in "Pattern Recognition" have their origins in the chaos and motion found in the artist's subconscious. Frostick allows the lines to flow through her until they are realized into forms and spaces. Once they are "locked in" to this realm, she then sets about to define the regions with various patterns to enhance and coax along themes that begin to present themselves to her. The paintings suggest their titles to Frostick based on what she sees in the finalized pieces. The artist hopes that the viewer can see what she sees, but fully expects each to bring their own existence and subconscious to the viewing, influencing how they themselves interpret the work. Join the artist at Frame Nation as part of the Shockoe Wide Open art and food walk which takes place each 2nd Friday of the month. Not "just another art walk," Shockoe Wide Open is focused on cultural sustainability by celebrating the visual & culinary arts that are alive & thriving in Shockoe! (www.facebook.com/ShockoeWideOpen) Free and Open to the Public.

Official Website: http://www.framenation.net

Added by danafrostick on June 24, 2010