Many contractors and consultants find it hard to achieve a "perfect balance" when it comes to reaching new customers. Referrals don't flow consistently, and sometimes they just don't result in a profitable project. Additionally, challenging economic times often mean more difficulty reaching agreement, and a longer lead time. Consultants have to work harder than ever to keep new projects in the pipeline.
PATCA's East Bay Networking Lunch will feature its first-ever guest speaker, Darlene Crane, President of PCI Crane Consulting and co-founder of the Business Value Alliance. Crane specializes in business performance and growth, using techniques based on customer-focused market research. She helps companies introduce new products or market their services using time-tested methodologies that lead to increased profits.
Crane has many years of experience working with professional consultants and small businesses, and will share ideas that will enable you to thrive during each phase of the sales cycle. Learn how to:
**Use primary and secondary market research to get ahead of your competitors.
**Develop a strategy to move each prospect from marketing on through to a sale.
**Create effective marketing communications and promotions.
**Enjoy the sales process and have more fun.
As at all PATCA lunch meetings, the meeting format will include plenty of time for discussion, and opportunities to network with other consultants.
RSVP (Encouraged):
PATCA Lunches are designed to offer:
*Member-to-member networking with other consultants.
*Discussion of issues and challenges of running a successful consulting practice.
*Exchange of ideas about a variety of industries and business topics.
*Opportunities to share leads or collaborate on projects.
*Have an enjoyable business lunch with interesting people on a regular basis.
Cost of meal.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on July 7, 2009