Differentiating Yourself in a Commodity World
Why not join a PATCA dinner meeting on June 14th for an exciting talk of, "Differentiating Yourself in a Commodity World" featuring Michael Luckman of Achievex Corporation.
Do any of these situations sound familiar?
Your prospects have convinced you that your services are a commodity and that they only buy from the consultants with the lowest price. So you consistently negotiate away your profits, hoping and wishing you'll make it up in volume.
Your prospect insists that a "detailed proposal" is needed in order to make a decision, so you provide one. Then, you find it's being shopped all over town for the lowest price. Or, worse yet, you've done such a great job of "educating" the client, they can now do it themselves "in-house."
You are not in front of enough qualified prospects on a consistent basis to meet your goals, and your income stream looks like a roller coaster with nothing but peaks and valleys.
You make a "million dollar" presentation, complete with all the bells and whistles, expecting to come away with a signed contract, but instead you get a "we-have-to-think-it-over" and you go into chase mode while the prospect goes into hide mode.
It takes longer and longer to close a deal, and it involves more and more meetings, and you're beginning to wonder: "Is it me?"
No, no, no! It's not you! These scenarios play out for everyone who has to sell to make a living - even consultants. Does it always have to be this way? Absolutely not!
About the Speaker
For 40 years Michael Luckman has been involved in sales, marketing and sales training with companies such as Milton Bradley, Playskool, Gund and for many years his own award winning sales and marketing firm, Michael Luckman and Associates. His experience runs the gamut from consumer product sales to national retail chains, on up to seven-figure management consulting projects to the Fortune 500.
About Professional & Technical Consultants Association:
PATCA is a nonprofit professional association of independent consultants and principals who work in small consulting practices. Since its founding in 1975, PATCA members have been highly respected for their professionalism, integrity, objectivity and competence. PATCA offers a free Post a Project referral service for clients searching for an expert consultant.
$30 (members); $35 (non-members); $27 (guest(s) of member).
Official Website: http://www.PATCA.org
Added by FullCalendar on May 19, 2007