21st Friendshipment Caravan to Cuba
Support the Caravan as it passes through San Francisco to deliver humanitarian aid and challenge the US blockade of Cuba.
** Presentation by Richard Becker (International ANSWER)
** and Video "People to People" about the Caravan
The caravanistas will also be present at the 11 a.m. service, Rev. Schuyler Rhodes, Pastor
A year has passed since Obama took office, but the fundamental mechanisms of the illegal, immoral, and internationally condemned US economic blockade against Cuba remain in full force, with just a few small exceptions. Sales of US products to Cuba are still severely restricted, and sales of Cuban products to the US are absolutely forbidden. Banks and businesses in other countries are still harassed for doing business with Cuba. The travel ban on US citizens visiting Cuba remains. And Cuba is still, outrageously, on the list of nations that supposedly sponsor terrorism.
NOW is the time to completely end the blockade, the travel ban, and all the measures aimed at starving the Cuban people into submission and overthrowing their government. Our US/Cuba Friendshipment Caravan is one of our ways of demonstrating that we will no longer tolerate this cruel blockade! We will travel in school buses, trucks and cars along 13 different routes, visiting 130 US and Canadian cities. At every stop we will educate people about the blockade while collecting construction supplies and tools, medical supplies and equipment, educational and cultural supplies, to be donated to our sisters and brothers in Cuba.
We will travel to Cuba via Mexico, without asking for or accepting a US government license, as a disciplined collective challenge to the blockade and travel ban, and as ambassadors for a `people-to-people' foreign policy based in mutual respect. When we return to the US, we will proudly declare our travel to Cuba and our opposition to the immoral blockade.
Official Website: http://cuba726.org
Added by FullCalendar on June 4, 2010