Passport Project is so, so happy to present its 5th annual Pisces Party. It's of our DanceAway! Series which means we would LOVE for you to dance with us (but it's open to the shy footed, of course). Carlos Jones & the PLUS Band and the Passport Project Global Dance & Music Collective perform. Light snacks are provided; donations beer and wine.
Bring some spare change to help support us by purchasing jewelry, djembe drums or balafons that we brought back from our last trip to Guinea, W. Africa. And, we have our new t-shirts available for purchase!
Peace, Namaste, Wontanara!
Passport Project's mission is to provide exciting educational experiences that build community through the arts, encourage respect for diversity and rejection of racism and negative bias, and inspire a passion for learning and the global community.
Passport Project offers multicultural programs and residencies at schools, at its Global Community Arts Center, and for the community to further this mission. Passport Project does diversity train ing in the corporate setting.
Passport Project is a 501 (c) 3, non-profit organization that has been planting seeds of peace and acceptance since 1998.
Added by jeffschuler on February 24, 2009