Sat & Sun, Sep 18 & 19, 9am - 6pm both days
Join like minded women for one weekend to break through disempowerment and focus on your sense of self as you move through what blocks you from being YOU and achieving your goals.
This seminar is highly interactive and experiential. Attendees will be moving around, getting to know one another and engaging in Susan's unique life coaching activities such as, "The Book Balance", "The River Rock Toss", and her "Little You Baggage Activity."
This program is most effective for women ages 30 - 55, from all walks of life and with varying backgrounds. If fact, the diverse groups of women that typically come together for the Women's Group Seminar is part of the fun and contributes to a greater depth of learning and understanding about ourselves and one another.
Saturday, September 18, Focus Topics
* Define your empowering goal
* Break free from your Cycle of Disempowerment
* Say goodbye to the fear of judgement
Sunday, September 19, Focus Topics
* Embody an attitude of gratitude
* Define your Take Action Plan
* Create your Cycle of Empowerment
You will...
* Choose a goal to focus on for the seminar.
* Use your goal to discover powerful information about yourself: your fears and your strengths.
* Develop a firm understanding of what disempowerment looks like, feels like and acts like for you.
* Develop a firm understanding of what EMPOWERMENT looks like, feels like and acts like for you.
* Learn strategies to overcome fear to stay on target with your goal.
* Discover how to stay motivated each day and to feel more alive in your life.
* Learn life skills and tools that will empower you for the rest of their life, in all life areas.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on August 29, 2010