5pm-8pm Q&A with Richard Petty and Brian Formica WMFY-TV sports anchor, Live Music with David Cody, Big Bump & The Stun Gunz, and for children Big, Bang, Boom provided by EMFfringe, Silent and Live Auctions of Richard Petty Memorabilia and other items*, Children's Events, autographed photos with Richard Petty*, and concessions*.
*not included in admission fee
$10 in advance/$12 at gate
$30 Family of Four
Kids 6 and under FREE
4pm-5:30pm VIP Winners Circle including BBQ dinner in private room and autographed photo with Richard Petty. $75 per person for VIP Winners Circle
Call 336.272.0160 or 866.579.TIXX or order online at www.EasternMusicFestival.org
Event Sponsors: Victory Junction, Richard Petty Motorsports, Go Triad, Avenue Restaurant & Bar, YES! Weekly, EMFfringe
Added by EMFevents on August 30, 2009