40000 Paseo Padre Parkway
Fremont, California

Be the solution to end global poverty. Come to the Fremont Partnership Walk on Sunday, October 9th, 2011 at Lake Elizabeth Park and join tens of thousands across the U.S. to help build a more secure and peaceful world.

Partnership Walk is a day of entertainment, learning and fun for the whole family. Visit the Village in Action, an interactive exhibit where you can learn about innovative ways to solve hunger, poverty and disease around the world.

PartnershipsInAction raises awareness and funds for grassroot community projects in Africa and Asia that help save lives. Our projects move families out of poverty by building the skills and tools they need to become self-reliant. 100% of funds raised go directly to projects supported by Aga Khan Foundation U.S.A.

To get involved in the Fremont Partnership Walk, visit www.PartnershipsInAction.org and register (heavily recommended) on-line or email: Fremont@partnershipwalk.org

Registration begins- 8am
Walk begins- 11am

Partnership Walk is an initiative of Aga Khan Foundation U.S.A. and organized by its network of volunteers across America.

Official Website: http://www.partnershipwalk.org/walk

Added by Hassan Karmali on August 9, 2011

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