WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Mid-level and frontline supervisors, labor representatives, non-supervisory employees, contractors, customer and suppliers. Our organizations are teams of teams At the core of every successful organization is a team - a team whose members understands and trusts each other. To help build that core is LDI’s Partner for Success. A one or two-day, indoor/outdoor, experiential, high impact program. Partnering for Success is designed to raise the individual awareness that your organization is a “Team of Teams” not only improving the relationship of current work groups but eliminating destructive barriers between offices, departments, labor and management, or with the contractor - who are there for the same reason – to get the job done! Partnering for Success is designed to promote and develop a wide range of critical partnership principles. Putting existing partnerships into new situations provides opportunities for growth in basic communication skills, conflict management and problem solving. Members learn the value of diversity and group dynamics as key elements of an effective partnership. Partnering for Success retools your most valuable resources; people, into dynamic partnerships and powerful teams.
Official Website: http://partnerforsuccessabq.eventbrite.com/
Added by eventbrite events on September 24, 2008