8433 Sunset Boulevard
Beverly Hills, California

With ISPR?s 32-year veteran and most international televised Parapsychologist Dr. Larry Montz and Clairvoyant Medium Daena Smoller, PARANORMAL 411 On The Road, is a One-Of-A-Kind Event for or Psychics, Ghost Enthusiasts, Paranormal Investigators, Producers and Everyone interested in the paranormal, and covers topics including:

Real, uncensored and never-before-released footage from the ?ISPR Vault? of 32 years of professional ISPR field investigations; Paranormal Phenomena to Channeling Entities caught on tape, from some of the ISPR?s favorite high-profile investigations from Hollywood to New Orleans to England, like:

The Comedy Store

Universal Studios

Nickelodeon Studio (Sunset)

Author Anne Rice Properties

USS Cabot

Jim Morrison's Former Hollywood Hills Home

Marvin Gaye's Family Home and Murder Site

Jack The Ripper Murder Sites

Belgrave Hall - British Government Owned

Brennan?s - French Quarter

Vogue Theater on Hollywood Boulevard

Cresthill Mansion - owned by Mitzi Shore

Oak Alley Plantation - New Orleans

San Francisco Plantation - New Orleans

And actively Haunted Private Residences from Los Angeles to New Orleans to Liverpool

The How-To?s of Paranormal Field Investigations including the latest Equipment and Psychics

The Paranormal portrayed in News and Entertainment Media ? What?s Real, What?s Not

Producing Award-Winning Paranormal Programming

Psychic Testing ? Out of the Lab and Into the Field

Real ISPR Casework, Working with Police Agencies (Missing Persons & Homicides)

Q & A

Tickets $39, call 323.644.8866, Mastercard & Visa accepted. For more information, visit http://www.ISPR.Net

Added by BritneyKrause on May 3, 2004

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