The second annual Parkdale Festival takes place on Saturday August 26th from 12:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. at Masaryk-Cowan Park, Queen and Cowan. It’s a day of music and art to raise awareness for various Parkdale youth service organizations.
There’s definitely a need for awareness of available service organizations within the Parkdale area, whether this be for help in finding a job, finding a place to stay, or getting the next meal. The goal of the Festival is to create awareness by providing a fun interactive community based event. The end result is to create an accessible reference database of services that are available to youth.
The Festival will be comprised of various components, including an "Interactive Art Zone" where individuals can contribute to a “mural of street art". At the end of the day these pieces will be offered to various community organizations in hopes that they are proudly displayed. Throughout the day there will also be a variety of performances, a children’s activity area and wading pool, a Marketplace of local artisans and vendors, and a Community Information Fair with displays of materials from various youth organizations.
This is a free event that will go rain or shine as Masaryk-Cowan Community Centre has generously offered their gymnasium should the event need to be moved indoors. This is the last weekend before youth head back to school which makes it all that much more important to get this information out. Come out and support the leaders of tomorrow and enjoy a great day of entertainment for everyone.
This year there will be an after party featuring several performances as part of P-Fest.
Official sponsors include NOW Magazine, Woolfitt’s Art Supplies, XIX Studio, Crucial Pins, Parkdale Liberty Economic Development Corporation and Councillor Sylvia Watson.
With support from Parkdale Liberty Newspaper, Gleaner Publications, Masaryk-Cowan Community Centre, Toronto Youth Ambassadors, 4-Unity Productions, and Triple-X Productions.
Official Website:
Added by don_quixote on August 2, 2006