Embrace, the orphan care ministry of Rhea's Mill Baptist Church, is excited to host this intereactive workshop led by Dr. Leslie Jones, Clinic Director for the Counseling and Human Development Center at the University of North Texas. Dr. Jones will open by teaching parents about the importance of play and how it can impact our children. She will conlcude by leading a hands-on workshop for parents to experience how this unique therapy can be done at home. She has many years of experience with at-risk children and supports the vision of the church reclaiming the care of orphans and waiting children.
You can register at http://survey.constantcontact.com/survey/a07e32bajbogf5p37xt/start. Spaces are limited. Please include first and last names for all those in attendance including ages and any special needs of children. Upon receiving your email, we will send you an eBill via PayPal in order to finalize your registration. The cost is $10 per couple and childcare is $5 per child ($20 family max). Refreshments will be provided.
Added by denisekendrick2000 on October 1, 2010