Learn how to become a more effective parent to your baby, preschooler, tween or teen--while your kids have a BLAST!
Whether you're the parent of an infant, toddler or a teenager, you know that parenting can be challenging, even overwhelming at times. Unfortunately, children don't come with an instruction manual. And being a parent doesn't always mean that you automatically or instinctively know what to do. Don't stress! Help is here. Parenting Classes OC is hosting a ten-week parenting seminar at Pamper & Play. The best part is that while you relax and concentrate, our staff of professional play supervisors will watch your kids in our AWESOME play space.
P.E.T. at P&P starts Monday, October 8. Classes will be held for 10 Mondays from 9 to noon. There will be no class November 19 (thanksgiving week.) Classes will end December 3. Class packages are available WITH or WITHOUT childcare. The last day of class will be Monday December 3.
Try the first class (October 8) for FREE! Class package is $350 with childcare and $250 without. Package price includes $45 worth of take-away materials.
Official Website: http://goo.gl/Y88bY
Added by GetPromotd Services on September 27, 2012