October 13th, 2006 -
Friday the 13th is a day that drives some to the edge of their sanity.
Paraskavedekatriaphobia is a show that explores the phobias and fears that plague our existence. Whether it’s small irrational fears, or the mental constructs that commandeer our total sense of reality. The obstacles that people lay in their paths are often of their own construction. Like the Spice, art studio offers you a chance to come and face your fears in a variety of visual mediums.
Paraskavedekatriaphobia will present works such as paintings by Liz Brown, James Rieck, Jason Bryant, Tom Billings, web art by Woody Batts, interactive installation by Kevin Reay, drawing by Seth Cohen, illustration by Craig Hene and Jakie Keh, mixed media works by Neilie Meyer, Marcus Morales, Michael Krynski, and Michiel Sanders, Video by Heather Boaz, Jason Head and more...
A group show of phobias
Opening Reception Friday October 13th 2006
Friday October 13th- Friday November 24th
THEN Saturday!
Performance and Music Night
October 14th, 2006 -
Saturday we will continue our exploration of phobias through performance and music. PIMA Group, founded in 2001 by choreographer Melisa Putz and musicians Michael Barker, Thomas Clark, will present us with a improvisational multimedia performance art work including formal choreographed and composed pieces.
This night will also include the performance work of Elisa and Brian Osborne, and the musical projects of Wes Mattheu and Mike Patrick.
Beginning Saturday. October 14th, 2006
Official Website: http://www.likethespice.com