9900 South Ranch Road
Highlands Ranch, Colorado 80126

Spirit PI has conducted paranormal investigating at the Highlands Ranch Mansion and uncovered spooky findings! Come to the Mansion on Friday, October 22 OR Saturday, October 23 for the Paranormal Party to discover for yourself whether or not ghosts inhabit the mansion. Spirit PI will be on hand to lead the hunt. Explore the mansion during cocktail time then attend a presentation of “Things That Go Bump in the Night” by Spirit PI. They will present paranormal evidence gathered during prior ghost- hunts. Then it is on to ghost hunting with the professionals! Visit their website to get a peak at what Spirit PI does….www.spiritpi.com.
Wine and beer and Absinthe will be available to purchase. This will be a unique evening for those 21+ years of age. This event will sellout so please get your tickets today!

Added by jnoebel on September 21, 2010

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