You are a Psychic and want to meet another Psychic? Or belong to a business which related to paranormal business?
Or you simply want to meet these businesses or organizer, then you can join this meetup, and meet the presenters and just listen to their presentations.
We want to meet you and help you to meet others.
For example, these are the related business or topics:
Paranormal as phenomena alleged to be outside of science's current ability to explain or measure.
You could be alone and want to present your idea (example: ghost investigator), or a business related to the paranormal like followings:
Psychic/Spiritual Healing
Haunted houses
Demonic Possession
Ghost/spirits of the dead
Extraterrestrial visited Earth in the past
Clairvoyance and Prophecy
Communication with the Dead
Tarot card
*We limit our how many minutes each presenter can present
* Each attendee will given 2 minutes to "pitch" their service or product (guaranteed minutes)
*If more presenters than the audiences, then you get more minutes to pitch, depending on how many will give the speech, we will tell you when you arrive, so do prepare extra time to present your idea or business.
*It is suggested that you arrive no later than 7:20pm
*We prefer to start the speed rounds by 7:45pm
*For presenters, please bring a small board with your organization name written, contact number or website address etc. Because we will have a music stand where you can place the board (no larger than 20 x 20 inch) while you are presenting your business or ideas.
*We are expecting a large crowd to be in this event.
*Drinks are not included in admission
*Wine & Cheese Reception from 7:30-8:15pm until gone.
*Wine $8/glass, water/free
*Main event from 7:45- 9:15pm
It is a rare and great opportunities to introduce your business to others.
This is also a rare and great opportunities for the audiences to find which paranormal organization is right for you.
Don't miss out!
* Each of you will be given a paper at check-in for you to take note of each person you meet, after the event you get to take the note home,
*Mingle from 7:30-7:45 pm. Relax, grab a drink and get to know other network people.
*Around 7:45. you`ll be directed to the seats, and the presenters will be sitting in separated seats, you`ll start your speech rounds.
*The even host will be there to guide you, so you will never be lost.
*Make a check next to the names of people or business you wish to hear from after each speech.
*After all the presenters speech, we will give you time to mingle with them and you can ask them for the contact methods.
*The presenters, remember to bring business cards with you, because others will ask you for contact information.
*If you do not have business cards, remember to print out something on papers so you can exchange with others.
*Audiences are invited to bring business cards too.
Sounds like a good event, YES, it will be. : )
*** $5/ for each audience seat
*** $25/one presenter
*** $40/for two presenters
Check the website for details:
Added by foreverharmony on December 17, 2009