Friday, September 28, 2012
Coming October of 2012, the Westside will offer Southern California's newest Halloween Haunted attraction, PARANOIA at Santa Monica Place on the 3rd Street Promenade. One of LA's top tourist and shopping destinations will have numerous sections transformed into various Halloween themed areas, from numerous bars, lounges, and restaurants, including Paranoia Pub at Ozumo which will offer a daily Haunted Happy Hour, to downright terrifying haunted mazes that will rival the Queen Mary and Universal Studios. Many of the common areas of the mall will join in on the fun with the main attraction consuming almost 50,000 square feet of raw space which will consist of three deathly horrifying mazes.
"The Paranoia Story"
In the days of the coastal yesteryear, Santa Monica played host to Hollywood's elite, but gambling and murder were everyone's treat. Paranoia set in one mysterious day as The Depression made everyone loose their way. The mystery of "who had done who" dreadfully still remains, as spirits of starlets and harlots creepily dwell amongst the maze. So beware of those evil spirits that haunt this space and enter if you dare at Santa Monica Place!!
Maze #1 - "The Infirmary"
Patients check in, but they don't check out. Beware of the orderly's creeping about. Nurse Whacky will greet you and handle you with care, but only if Doctor Giggles is there. He cares for all of his patients with an electric bedside manner, but beware of his assistant whose face is made of leather!
Maze #2 - "Insomniac Clown Playhouse"
All the world loves the clown and cannot imagine a fright when one is around. But what when they are awake for countless nights, Insomniac Clowns is what you have running around town, frightening all of those who are around. Beware of the walls for there are tricks to be had, and one clown in particular has gone incredibly mad. So come one and come all for the circus is here and ready to unleash your innermost fears!
Maze #3 - "Granny's Manor of Mayhem"
Come on over to Granny's House if you dare, where the souls of dead relatives will give you a scare. There's plenty of fixin's right here in Pig's Kitchen, yet beware as the Headless Horseman's spirit's a hitchin'. And if you make it through her abode whether dead or alive, there will be quite the surprise and you won't be able to hide. She twists and she turns and gives you a great fright, for her friend's stuck in the well, and anxiously awaits to haunt you at night!
For more information please visit our website at or call 212-724-3900
Added by WeSell1 on September 14, 2012