April 26th, 27th & 28th; Fri 4-10pm, Sat 10am-8pm; Sun 11am-7pm
Paramahansa Jagadish is a Master Healer and Spiritual Teacher from a distinguished lineage of saints and siddhas. He comes to the New Living Expo for the compassionate expansion of the human race and shares spiritual wisdom and multidimensional healing of the spirit, mind, body and emotions. Come and experience healing as you never have before!
Sat., April 27 - Ancestral Healing Lecture and Demo @ 4:00 PM.
Ancestral Healing is a form of karma clearing that specifically targets karma related to our bloodlines from the past as well as going into the future. Ancestors come forward to communicate with Jagadish about the recurring issues that plague generations. Note: Five people will be chosen from the audience to receive a free Ancestral Healing.
Sun., April 28 - Multi-Dimensional Healing Workshop @ 5:00 PM.
Multi-Dimensional Healing involves three different types of healing. (1) Transmission of highest spiritual energy that is pure Source God and has never been physically materialized energy, (2) Clearing, repairing and regenerating all aspects of the physical body, (3) Clearing, repairing and regenerating all aspects of the psychic, astral and etheric bodies.
Jagadish is located at booth #319 at the expo during the following times: Friday, April 26 - 4 pm to 10 pm. Saturday, April 27 - 10 am to 8 pm. Sunday, April 28 - 11 am to 7 pm.
Official Website: http://www.jagadish.org/
Added by FullCalendar on April 7, 2013