Hoskote, Approx 20km from Bangalore
Bangalore, Karnataka

The Basic Winch launched Paragliding course.

This two and half day course is conducted at Hoskote. You spend about three to four hours each session learning the various skills of Paragliding. At the end of the course you will be launching independently. (under the supervision of an Instructor)

Course Duration : Two & half days

Venue : Hoskote, Approx 20km from Bangalore
Time of the day : Morning 8:30 to 10:00 & Evening 4:30 to Sun set
: To give maximum benefit we will try to make it a WHOLE day activity like our previous batch.

Maximum head count : 8 Members (On First come first serve basis)

Fees :Rs. 9,500.00


a) Age over 14 years up to the age of medical fitness

b) Minimum qualification Std. Xth

c) Medically and Physically fit

Official Website: http://www.bmcindia.org/

Added by Mayuresh1980 on October 15, 2007