Two days of official training from Papervision team member and Plug-in Media's Technical Director, Seb Lee-Delisle to give you all the skills you need to develop professional 3D websites in Flash.
We'll start with the basics, showing you how easy it is to set up a Papervision project in 20 seconds! Then we'll give you a solid grounding in the basics of Papervision, including scenes, cameras, primitives and materials, followed with shaders, interactivity, reflections and importing 3D models.
As the course progresses we'll also be looking at skyboxes, render layers and effects, texture baking, lines, particles, augmented reality and building 3D games.
ALSO check out the follow-on one day course that'll teach you exactly how to start modelling in Maya for Papervision3D.
Book your ticket at - spaces are limited.
Added by sebleedelisle on February 4, 2009