Offering the world’s ONLY official Papervision 3D 2.0 Training!
Two days of PaperVision3D, focusing on Developing content. We'll cover everything from scenes, cameras and models to the new Papervision3D 2.0 api with shaders, lights and new materials. We'll cover interactivity and the CS3 Design time component as well as take a look at texture mapping and modeling in some 3D applications. We'll also dive into Optimization techniques that will bring you from 0 fps, to the living! To view examples of Papervision3D and it's abilities, visit the Papervision3D blog or John Grden's personal blog.
Who This Class Is For: Developer and Flashers (coders and designer in one body) interested in using real-time 3D in their flash work with Papervision3D engine.
Official Website:
Added by ccharlton on February 26, 2008