134 Scarboro Avenue SW
Calgary, Alberta

Panel Discussion on Canada’s Foreign Policy:
Defense, Diplomacy, Development or Aggressive, Exploitive, Destructive

What do the 3Ds of Canada's foreign policy mean? Has Canada's implementation of our foreign policy helped or hindered the countries we're involved with? Is the Canadian military still peacekeeping?

Join us on Tuesday, June 19 at 7pm to find out more about Canada’s foreign policy and how it determines our involvement in Afghanistan, Haiti, Palestine and with the Lubicon.

Speakers will include Regan Boychuk, Nell Thurlow of the Canada Haiti Action Network, Paul Armstrong co-chair of the Justice Committee of the Unitarian Church of Calgary and Collette Lemieux co-chair of the Canadian Peace Alliance.

Please find attached a leaflet for the event.

When: Tuesday, June 19 at 7pm
Where: Scarboro United Church, 134 Scarboro Ave. S.W., enter from west door (off 15th Ave)
Who: Sponsored by the Canadian Peace alliance (www.acp-cpa.ca).
For more information, please email march17calgary@hotmail.com

Added by Coillette on June 6, 2007