Sustainability at Work -- How Sustainable are the Workers in Sustainable Organizations?
Are we applying the same principles of environmental sustainability to people in the workplace? Potentially, people are the most renewable and sustainable part of an organization. This panel will discuss sustainability as it applies to the worker within the organization -- how does sustainability relate to staff? How can companies create and maintain the physical, mental, emotional and social well being of their employees? How does the well-being of workers impact business? What are the key principles for ensuring the sustainability of workers? Issues such as stress and work life balance will be addressed. Sustainability works, but are we working sustainably?
Jennifer Freitas, Human Resource Manager, Clif Bar
Dr. Lori-Ann Gertonson, Founder, The Gertonson Institute
Matthew Bauer, President & Co-Founder, Better World Telecom
Moderator: Marcel Allbritton, PhD
Appetizers will be provided, and wine and other beverages will be served.
To get the pre-registration rate, sign up by 9 pm on Sunday, June 12th.
Please help us out by:
1) pre-registering so we know how much food to get
2) aiding our membership campaign by inviting friends and businesses to the event undefined so that SBA can grow and be a more powerful force in the region. Thank you!
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Added by FullCalendar on June 8, 2011