4269 El Camino Real,
Palo Alto, California 94306

It's finally here! You have waited 25 years for this!**Paly Class of '85 Reunion**

 *Evening Reunion Party   *Picnic   *Slideshow   *Memory Book

Saturday Night at Trader Vic's - July 10th - Enjoy an evening of catching upTrader Vic’s offers an accommodating and comfortable venue that includes an outdoor patio, perfect for Summer, and an indoor banquet room to create the perfect atmosphere for mingling with friends, enjoying good food and drinks, and reminiscing while a slideshow, complete with 80’s music, plays in the background. This is an evening you won’t want to miss. Included in your registration …

Food:  Hearty hors d'oeuvres, fruit and cheese, cookies and sweets
Drinks:  Mai Tais, beer, wine, non-alcoholic beverages (2 drink tickets included, followed by a cash bar)
Memory Book:  Current and past pictures and information for people
Slideshow:  This will include pictures from Paly days and current photos submitted by alumni
Music and ambience
Downloadable pictures: Pictures of the event will be made available for free online. Web address will be emailed to everyone at a later date.

*Casual dress attire: Make anything look good!*Enter the event by the stairs in back of Trader Vic's*Register early online: No sales at the door!**You can return to the registration site to make changes to your registration input via the link      in your confirmation email
Sunday Picnic - July 11th at 12pm - Bring family and food for a relaxing afternoon
There will be a picnic at Rinconada Park starting at 12pm. This is for everyone to come and hang out after a great night of fun and a chance to bring the whole family. We encourage people to bring food, drinks and BBQ goods. There will be games for the kids and everyone to join in.
 Where at the park? We have reserved the Sequoia Group Area next to the main parking lot that hosts the Junior Museum and Girl Scout House on Middlefield Rd. The same place as the past two picnics.
*Special Notice
For the Memory Book, we need people to submit a JPEG image of themselves no larger than 2MB. The picture can be any picture of you, you and your loved one, or you and your family....or... No strict requirements here.

When registering, please fill out the 'Other Information' questions in the registration process in order to place this info next to your picture in the Memory Book.*if you want to be in the Memory Book

If anyone has Paly images from high school in JPEG format that they would like to submit for the book or slideshow, please do so.

Submit all images to the following address:   davids_paly25th@yahoo.com
We want to thank everyone for submitting your pictures and information to help make this event more memorable.
*Please save the registration email you receive from this site. It has the link associated with your account in case you need to come back and change any info.
Special thanks to the Reunion Committee:
                                                    David Swope       Tony DiGiulio                                                    Anisha Weber     Anne Haynes Kiner                                                    Joan Fiddaman    Miles Keep                                                                                        Nancy Kamprath Bier

Ticket Info:  Paly 1985 25th Reunion, $98.37

Official Website: http://palyclassof85reunion-upcoming.eventbrite.com

Added by eventbrite-events on July 9, 2010

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