Join us on Saturday the 5th for the Portland Pre Development Workshop. Everyone is welcome to attend, no prior programming experience is needed.
What is a Pre?
The Pre refers to the Palm Pre, a new competitor in the Smartphone market.
Why develop for the Pre?
The pre offers a simple but comprehensive SDK that is easy to build on but is also powerful. The Pre has a flourishing open source community.
Why is the Pre so good?
There are many reasons why the Pre is a good development platform. The big reason is potential. While the SDK only allows web coding with additional API's, the core of the system is Linux, which already has a large community.
What do I need for a Pre Development Workshop?
Please bring a laptop with the SDK already installed.
The SDK can be downloaded from
I also recommend installing the eclipse platform with the Mojo plug-in. Instructions can be found here:
Why only six tickets?
The space we are using at Souk has space for six people. If tickets sell out, then we will add more tickets.
Contact Jordan Gensler (@kesne) for more information.
Official Website:
Added by Bram Pitoyo on August 31, 2009