3029 SE 21st
Portland, Oregon

Fair Trade Palestinian Olive Oil Tastings Oct 10-12 in Portland

The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) will host four opportunities to taste and purchase fair trade Palestinian olive oil on Oct 10-12 in Portland, in conjunction with fair trade month. The events will feature Wafa Shami, AFSC's middle east peace education coordinator based in Los Angeles. Ms. Shami, who has recently returned from a visit to Palestine, will discuss Palestinian culture and current political realities on the ground in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, where Palestinian farmers face the loss of access to their land and the uprooting of their trees due to the occupation. Participants will be able to sample Zatoun brand Palestinian fair trade, extra virgin olive oil, and to purchase olive oil and olive oil soap. Bottles of Zatoun fair trade, extra virgin olive oil are 25.4 oz and will be sold for $20 each. Olive Oil soap from Nablus, Palestine will be sold in packages of four bars for $16.

Unknown outside its region, olive oil from Palestine is of exceptional quality with a lustrous green colour and unforgettable taste. Farmers are paid fair trade prices through Palestine Fair Trade Association (PFTA). One dollar of each bottle sold is given to Trees for Life, a program to plant 35,000 olive seedlings in Palestine. An additional one dollar will go to help support Project Hope, an independent, grassroots effort to bring the expressive arts (painting, drawing, music and drama) as a means to help heal and contribute to young people in Palestine. http://www.zatoun.com/

All events are free and open to the public.

Friday, October 10
7:00 PM Multnomah Friends Meetinghouse, 4312 SE Stark Street. A light dinner will be served in addition to olive oil tasting and presentation. RSVP to mitchgould@generalpicture.com

Saturday, October 11
11:00 AM, St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church, 1704 NE 43rd Ave.
4:00 PM, People's Co-op, 3029 SE 21st. Ave.

Sunday, October 12
11:30 AM, Grace Episcopal Church, 1535 NE 17th Ave.

For more information: Kelly Campbell, 503-230-9427, kcampbell@afsc.org

Official Website: http://pdxpeace.org

Added by kellycampbell on September 29, 2008

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