Palestine: Occupied Lives, Non-violence and Steadfastness: a Friday film series (from 4/2 through 5/21) about Palestinians & Israelis committed to nonviolence & coexistence. We will show five extraordinary, award winning films about Palestinians committed to resist nonviolently Israel's occupation, and Israelis who stand with them against injustice
Our first film is Encounter Point (by director Ronit Avni and Julia Bacha): Portraits of Palestinians and Israelis who have known violence intimately and now see nonviolence as the only way. Shlomo left a settlement to live in Israel proper and work for interfaith dialogue. Ali, imprisoned at 16, brother killed by an Israeli soldier, struggles to teach Gandhian principles to angry young men injured by Israeli soldiers.
Co-Sponsors: BFUU-Social Justice Committee, International Solidarity Movement, Fr. Bill O'Donnell Social Justice Committee of St. Joseph the Worker, AFSC, Students for Justice in Palestine-UCB, Flashpoints (KPFA), MECA
Donation appreciated to benefit the Palestine Children’s Relief Fund
No one turned away for lack of funds
Wheelchair accessible
For further information, ph: 510-841-4824
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Added by benburch666 on February 22, 2010