Founded in 1917, the Allen Memorial Art Museum is one of the finest college or university collections in the United States, serving as an invaluable educational resource for aspiring art scholars. While the museum is closed in 2010 for renovations, 20 of their masterpieces - 19 paintings and one sculpture - will be on view at The Metropolitan Museum of Art for five months. These will include the great Ter Brugghen painting 'Saint Sebastian Tended by Saint Irene' (one of the most important North Baroque painting in the U.S.), Cezanne's 'Viaduct at l'Estaque,' Kirchner's'Self-Portrait as a Soldier,' and a striking Kirchner sculpture. Each of these works will be integrated into the Metropolitan Museum's great collection, creating new, provocative juxtapositions.
Added by Upcoming Robot on January 2, 2010