Tansen Marg
New Delhi, Delhi 110001

Treveni Kala Sangam 205 Tansen Marg New Delhi -110001 Tel 011 - 2371 8833, Email : trivenikh@vsnl.net

Artist inspiration:
I draw my inspiration from little walks of life. Many a times which go unnoticed. when was last time you noticed stopover in life when a sudden breeze transformed itself into raindrops. Aroma of dry thirsty soil soaking these greedily. Birds rushing to their nests with their loved ones, Small children coming back from school trying to cope with their little umbrellas being swept away, and a lukewarm sunshine that follows. Slowly the life takes on its pace again. Various colours come on the horizon every dusk and dawn. A few days later a lush green engulfs the scene. I have tried to capture these colours, and the emotions it evokes on my canvas.

Added by Sunil Choudhary on August 18, 2008