711 Seventh Avenue, Between 47th & 48th St.
New York, New York 10036

On March 20th Divas in the City will launch its new Super Community Website and to celebrate, we are "Painting the Town Pink" with a fabulous launch party.

In addition to celebrating our new website, the "Paint the Town Pink" Launch Party will also benefit and raise awareness for Dress for Success - an international not-for-profit organization offering services designed to help disadvantaged women find jobs and remain employed.

This Pink Carpet Charity event will allow women and men to enjoy an evening of live entertainment, pink cocktails and delicious hors d'oeuvres all while helping Dress for Success (www.DressforSuccess.com)

Cocktails provided by X-rated Fusion Liqueur, Official Spirit Sponsor.

Wine provided by Barefoot Wine, Official Wine Sponsor

The Paint the Town Pink launch party will be hosted by media personality extraordinaire, Dj Vu of Power 105.1 FM in New York City.

The event is FREE with a suggested donation price of $15. All proceeds will benefit Dress for Success.Cash and checks will be accepted at the door. Please make checks payable to Dress for Success Worldwide.**All financial gifts to Dress for Success are tax-deductible**

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us at info@DivasintheCity.com.

Organized by Divas in the City
Divas in the City (DITC), is an all-woman social and professional networking organization that is quickly becoming the ultimate resource for today's do-it-all woman. It's about more than just making new contacts, but creating a powerful network and information exchange among women. In everything that we do, DITC's goal is to provide entertainment, education and the empowerment of women from diverse cultures.

Ticket Info:  Paint the Town Pink Launch Party & Benefit (Suggested Donation of $15.00 will be accepted at the door), Free

Official Website: http://paintthetownpink-upcoming.eventbrite.com

Added by eventbrite-events on March 19, 2009

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