701 First Avenue
Sunnyvale, California CA

Norcal PDMA is co-sponsoring P-CAMP, an Unconference for Product Managers and other product champions. This is a free Saturday event, where participants propose their own topics, run discussions and panels, and network with peers. RSVP to pcamp@enthiosys.com or add your name below or to the P-CAMP Wiki http://www.barcamp.org/PcampSiliconValley

Where: Yahoo! Building C, 701 First Ave, Sunnyvale, CA
When: Saturday, March 15th, 2008
Sponsors: Enthiosys, Norcal PDMA, Yahoo!
Cost: Free!

For years, open source and agile developers have been gathering for informal get-togethers called unconferences, where agendas and topics are decided in real time and in person. (O'Reilly Media's Foo Camp, BarCamp, and the Hacker's conference.) Join us for P-CAMP, the first Unconference for Product Managers. This brings together Bay Area product managers, product champions and other fascinating people. Network with your peers; share and learn; meet a Yahoo! recruiter.

9:30AM - 10:00AM: meet to propose and schedule talks/panels/ discussions
10:00AM - 12:00PM: several tracks for discussions/talks/panels
12:00PM - 1:00PM: lunch and networking
1:00PM - 4:00PM or as late as it goes: more tracks for talks/panels

Send topic suggestions/speakers to pcamp@enthiosys.com or post them on the event wiki http://www.barcamp.org/PcampSiliconValley. Some talks already been proposed:
* Dave Taber on "Designing your customer before you design your product"
* Nancy Frishberg will show us how to learn from our customers using the Product Box Innovation Game
* Luke Hohmann on "Agilizing your Product Management process"
* Christina Noren on Automating product management in an agile context
* Sudha Jamthe on Product Management for Facebook Economy
* Greg Cohen on Why open source makes sense for your product


Official Website: http://www.enthiosys.com/news-events/pcamp/

Added by FullCalendar on February 4, 2008
