465 North Arkansas Avenue
Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701

On Friday, August 24, there will be an Ozark Slow Food tasting event at Ella's Restaurant from 5:30 - 8:30. Tickets are now available for $10 on Saturdays between now and the event, at the farmers markets in both Fayetteville and Rogers, and at the following

* National Center for Appropriate Technology office, 207 West Center
St., Fayetteville
* Greenbean at Village on the Creek, 5208 Village Parkway, Suite 11, Rogers

Buy or reserve your tickets early!! Phone 479-799-7985 for information or to reserve tickets. To purchase or reserve tickets on-campus, please email heatherf@uark.edu to make arrangements.

Ella's Restaurant is located in the historic Carnall Hall on the University of Arkansas campus at the corner of Maple Street and Arkansas Avenue in Fayetteville. Be prepared to savor the finest of summer flavors, with fresh, locally-grown vegetables, fruits, herbs and meat prepared by Chef Joshua Byers.

Ozark Slow Food is a convivium within Slow Food USA and Slow Food International. Slow Food was developed in Italy in opposition to fast food culture and is dedicated to supporting local food systems and celebrating the culture and traditions surround food. You can find more information on Slow Food at www.slowfoodusa.org.

Added by allsidesoflife on August 18, 2007

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