10th Street, Castleman Hall on the Missouri Science & Technology Campus
Rolla, Missouri 65401

8th Annual Ozark Christmas
Presented by:
The Rolla Noon Kiwanis Club
"Serving the Children of the World"

Christmas bluegrass music show for the entire family done in the spirit of Christmas past. Music by the Ozark Christmas Band with Jimmy Allison, Beverly Spencer, Allen Ousley, Roger Mathews and Grace Caudill. Special music guests the Missouri based national touring group, The Martin Family.
Dancing will again feature the crowd favorite "Ozark Spirit Cloggers". Interpretive dance by andFlEW! dance and yoga studio and special apperance by "Drama Force", a Christian drama group.
Cookies, hot chocolate and kids activities during intermission. Also, a very special appearace by the one only Santa Claus!
Ya'll come and bring the kids, grandma and the cousins for this family fun event. Get your tickets early they go fast.

Official Website: http://ozarkchristmas.tripod.com

Added by OzarkChristmas on July 24, 2008