56 Walton Street
Oxford, England OX2 6AE

The return of the Oxford Geek Nights....

OGN4 will be held on November 28th at the Jericho Tavern:


It's a chance for web developers, designers, programmers or those tangentially interested in new technologies in Oxford and its shires, to get together and talk and hear about new ideas, techniques and technologies.

Keynotes (8.30 onwards)

* "Saving the World, One Perl Module at a Time" Tom Steinberg, founder of mySociety
* "What Should I Build Next: Getting Creative with Pylons" by James Gardner, co-founder of the Pylons Web Framework

Microslots (9.30 onwards)

* Social Web and the Semantic Web: rel="friend co-worker", by Daniel Lewis
* Searunner: a new type of web framework, by Ben Werdmuller
* 5 and a half Commandments of Web Security, by Matthew Westcott
* Google Sightseeing, by James Turnbull
* Nanoformats, by Rozario Chivers
* MythTV - TV for free! by Ben Ward

Other events

If you have any other events you'd like us to advertise, then please let us know at jp.stacey@gmail.com .

(This is a FREE event, sponsored by Torchbox, Google and APress)

Official Website: http://oxford.geeknights.net/2007/nov-28th/

Added by jp.stacey on October 2, 2007



Thanks for the heads-up, Jazza. Not sure what you mean by "doesn't work" - it's still showing the old event but we're hoping to work on that today. Best to get this into people's diaries first, we thought.


I couldn't get to it, said couldn't find site. But it's working for me now.


Weird. We'll keep an eye on it.


You'd better all come to this - I'm doing a extra microslot thingummy on BarCamp Oxford and I need some hecklers.


gaekwad speaks truth. I'm just working out the full timetable now.