The geek nights are a way for local web developers, designers, programmers, neophiles or geeks of any other stripe to get together, chat, drink and listen to talks on new technologies and innovations.
== Keynotes ==
Our confirmed keynotes for OGN actually consist of a single topic, shared between three speakers:
* The webs are made of messages, by Alexis Richardson, CEO of Rabbit Technologies; Matt Biddulph, CTO of Dopplr; and Blaine Cook, from BT Osmosoft.
== Microslots ==
These are five-minute "lightning" talks that anyone can volunteer for. They're easy to do: pick something that excites you, or a project you've worked on that you think might be of interest; then talk to a friendly audience for just five minutes with a handful of slides. Submit your microslot and we'll see you on the night!
Currently confirmed microslots:
* The importance of being unobtrusive, by Phil Hawksworth
* Introducing Talis Connected Commons, by Zach Beauvais
* Having a ball with Django, by David North
* The Open Stack, by Ben Werdmuller
* Web 2.ohhh! How sex has fueled the net, by Wes West
* The Big Switch, by Simon Hawkins
== Microslot ideas ==
Want something explained? Someone out there must know... maybe a microslot would help! Why not submit your idea for someone else's microslot?
(OGN12 is a FREE event, sponsored by Torchbox and Apress.)
Official Website:
Added by jp.stacey on April 19, 2009