Enjoy Opera Australia's production of Gilbert and Sullivan’s The Pirates of Penzance at the Adelaide Festival Centre and support Oxfam Australia's work at the same time.
For one night only (Wednesday 10 January 2007, 7.30pm), part proceeds of all A reserve tickets sold will go to Oxfam Australia to support our work around the globe. Book now as this offer closes on 26 November 2006. Book at BASS on 131 246 and refer to the Oxfam promotion.
Cost: A reserve $75, Children under 15 $25. Family package special (2 A reserve & 2 children) $175. For one night only (10 January 2007), part proceeds of all A reserve tickets sold will go to Oxfam Australia to support our work around the globe.
Official Website: http://www.oxfam.org.au/about/state_offices/south_australia/events.html
Added by oxfamaus on November 19, 2006