700 Arch St
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15212

October 24, 25, and 31
11 am – 3 pm

Celebrate ‘Owl-o-ween’ and meet some of the National Aviary’s spookiest residents! Aviary trainers will bring out owls, vultures and crows for up-close encounters, and visitors will learn about the natural behaviors and adaptations of these remarkable birds. Visitors can also collect candy treats at each daily encounter. Children under 12 who wear a costume receive FREE admission on Owl-o-ween dates. Regular admission $10 adults; $9 seniors; $8.50 children 2 and up; under 2 admitted free.

Official Website: http://www.aviary.org

Added by laura.ellis02 on July 30, 2009



Photo copywrite Ben Bonilla, Golden Image Photography