Presented by: NCMS Mid-South Chapter Technology Committee (Seth Bush - Committee Chairman, Darrell Flores - Seated Member & Paul J. Malone - Seated Member)
Hosted by: SAIC, Huntsville
Sponsored by: NCMS Mid-South Chapter
Your NCMS Mid-South Chapter Technology Committee present Randall Riley from DSS/ODAA. We invite to attend a informative presentation with an overview of the ODAA Process. You do not have to be a member of NCMS to attend.
Check-In Starts at 1230pm
Presentation Starts at 100pm
If you have questions that you would like for Randall to address please send to Seth Bush at
Seth.Bush@itt.comand place ODAA presentation in the subject line, so we can consolidate and give to Randall prior to presentation.
NCMS Mid-South Chapter Technology Committee
Organized by NCMS Midsouth ChapterNCMS was founded in 1964 by a group of government and industry security classification managers and administrators who recognized the importance of establishing a society, national in scope, to advance the practice of Classification Management as a profession.
Today, the Society has nearly 3,000 members in the United States and overseas including representatives from NATO countries. Within the U.S., members come from the Department of Energy, Department of Defense, Department of State, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Federal Bureau of Investigation, National Security Agency, General Accounting Office--virtually every Federal agency that deals with classification--and from the civilian contractors who work with these agencies. As the Society has grown over the years, its focus has also expanded. NCMS now provides professional development for its members in the field of classification management, information security, personnel security, computer security, operations security (OPSEC), facility security, and technology security.
Ticket Info: Free Ticket, Free
Official Website: http://30april2009odaapresentation-upcoming.eventbrite.com