Dinkey Lakes Wilderness
Sequoia National Monument, California

Let us help you with your first backpacking experience. Join the REI Outdoor School instructors on an overnight trip to a nearby scenic camp. You'll learn how to pack your backpack for comfort, proper campsite selection, camp cooking and Leave No Trace etiquette. Our instructors will also help you understand the best equipment for your needs to maximize your comfort and fun. Price includes all required gear (backpack, tent, sleeping bag, pad, stove, all cookware, trekking poles, and water filters) and food.
* Advance sign-up is required. Call or visit any Sierra area store to sign up.
* There is a pre-trip orientation class. An REI Outdoor School staff member will be in contact within two weeks prior to departure. Please send any questions to REI Outdoor School Sierra@rei.com.
* Cost: Member: $250, Non-Member: $270

Official Website: http://www.rei.com/rei/outdoorschool/Sac/sacovnbackpack.jsp

Added by REI Outdoor School, Sierra on July 14, 2009