201 South Division, Suite 430
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104

Selling Smart - Overcoming Prospecting Paralysis:
This session will examine reluctance feelings and proven methods for overcoming them, as well as proven tactics for getting to decision makers. For many business people, prospecting, especially making cold calls is a dreaded activity. In this session we’ll learn what causes call reluctance; work on techniques for overcoming call reluctance and ultimately how to make effective prospecting happen. Attendees will also compose and practice a prospecting approach customized for their business.

Erik Meier, EAM Consulting Group
Kirk Armstrong, Weinberg and Associates
Joe Marr, Sandler Training Ann Arbor

Event Registration: http://www.annarborusa.org/register?e=11475

The Selling Smart Workshop series will be held the first Wednesday of the month, 9-11 a.m., at SPARK Central, through December. Each of the Workshop events will include an hour of practice selling, followed by an hour presentation on a different sales topic.

Parking Information for Events at SPARK Central
There is plenty of other parking, just a short distance from
SPARK Central:
Fourth and E. William (surface lot and parking structure)
Fifth and E. Liberty (underground parking structure)
Thompson and E. Liberty (parking structure)
Division and E. Washington (parking structure)

Added by joemarr27 on November 27, 2012

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