You're not along. It's NOT your fault. Many people struggle day in and day out, treading water; never escaping the cycle of debt, never feeling like they can get ahead, and always feeling terrible about their money. I should know, I've been there.
My name is Shelley Bayol and I'm a Financial Recover Counselor. I know first hand the terror and anxiety of financial distress. But I've learned ways to get rid of my money troubles, ways to feel good about money and ways to eliminate debt forever - while still enjoying my life, my friends and my family.
Attend this informative workshop:
Overcoming Overspending
* Recognize and stop the emotional triggers that drive your spending behaviors
* Understand the surprising connection between eating and spending and how you can take charge of both
* Walk away with 3 simple solutions that will transform the way you spend
$17.00/Friend or spouse FREE.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on March 7, 2009