101 Yorkville Ave.
Toronto, Ontario

WHEN: Tuesday November 1st, 2011
8am – 10am
3pm – 7pm
WHAT: Over the Rainbows Ultimate Shave Off – Movember Canada

WHERE: Over the Rainbow 101 Yorkville Ave, Toronto Ontario

PARTICIPANTS: Joel Carman (Over The Rainbow), John Roth (Crow’s Nest Barber Shop)
DETAILS: Over the Rainbow is partnering up with TOMS Shoes to support MOVEMBER Canada in raising awareness and funds for the number one male cancer, prostate cancer. Owner, Joel Carman would like to issue a personal challenge and is inviting anyone willing to grow a moustache to Over the Rainbow on Tuesday November 1st, 2011 for the Ultimate Shave Off Event.

Between 8-10am and 4-7pm gents will be offered a FREE classic straight-razor shave by barber John Roth from Crow’s Nest Barber Shop to help kick off Movember. This will give them a fresh start to grow their own Movember moustache. To sign up for your free shave, email daniel@rainbowjeans.com.

Joel Carman has also announced that if he raises $25,000 he will shave off his signature moustache. The Reversed Mo will take place at the close of Movember Canada on December 1st, 2011.

"Many families are affected by prostate cancer worldwide. In an effort to raise awareness, I will publicly shave off my 44-year-old signature moustache on December 1, 2011, if I raise over $25,000. I was so touched by the initiative of MOVEMBER that I agreed to the challenge almost immediately, after some gentle persuasion from my amazing team at OTR. My biggest worry will be if my family will recognize me!" states Joel Carman.

TOMS Shoes special edition moustache branded Botas and classic shoes for both men and women are available at Over the Rainbow for a limited time retailing at $55, with proceeds being donated to Movember Canada.

More information can be found on Joel Carman’s MOVEMBER blog including, updates and pictures available at http://ca.movember.com/mospace/1356030/)

Follow Joel @movemberJOEL

Faulhaber Public Relations:
Patricia Amato; patricia@faulhaberpr.com 416.995.7883
Over The Rainbow Contact:
Daniel Carman; daniel@rainbowjeans.com 416.967.7448

Added by Over the Rainbow’s Ultimate Shav on October 26, 2011