800 E Palmetto St
Lakeland, Florida 33801

The term art brut was first coined by 20th century French artist Jean Dubuffet. Art brut (or !raw art') labeled the growing interest in art produced by patients in asylums and called attention to the viability of artworks produced by artists living beyond the realm of popular culture. In 1972, the term outsider art became the official English translation of art brut and remains the most widely accepted description of such artworks. However, in recent decades, the American renditions of these unique artworks have spurred renewed interests and sharper criticisms. As a consequence, the term folk art, with its more negative connotations, has become the common nomenclature. This exhibition uses such pieces from Polk Museum of Art's permanent collection to initiate a conversation about the contemporary state of art brut.

Added by Upcoming Robot on July 25, 2012